LTC Information
To find out what each event entails, click the title of it below and a new window will pop up with the current year's rules & expectations:
Art Bible Bowl Bible Quiz Bible Reading Bulletin Board Chorus Essay Poetry Puppets Scrapbook Service Short Film Signing for the Deaf Song Leading (at Dallas convention) Song Leading (at Franklin only) Speech Teaching Video Bible Drama |
Every year our 3rd-12th Graders are invited to participate in LTC (Leadership Training for Christ). We attend the Dallas convention on Easter weekend.
There are some events that kids can participate in without having to attend the Dallas convention. However, if a child would like to be able to go to Dallas, they are required to sign up for 2 events and participate in the Bible Bowl OR Bible Quiz. Each family with kids involved get their 1st night hotel stay paid for, and all meals are provided. A sign up sheet is usually posted in the fellowship hall in November, and a schedule of practices and times to meet with coaches is put out the following January each year. Some events the children are able to get involved in include: drama, puppets, poetry, story writing, film making, song leading, speech, signing for the Deaf, art, children's book, photography, etc. The congregation is also invited to study up on the same material as the LTC kids, and the Adults and Kids challenge each other to a "Bible Bowl Duel" the Sunday evening before Easter Weekend. LTC Presentations & Performances will be done in front of the congregation the Wednesday before Easter weekend. April 18-19th, 2025 Easter Weekend Bible Bowl: Book of Luke Study Material: Luke Theme: "The One" Theme Verses: Luke 1:35 "So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 7:20 "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?" Convention Site: Hilton Anatole SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE |